Full Anechoic room

The Blue Guide EMC Lab (BGEMC) is an expert in Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Product Safety (LVD) and Environmental testing. With streamlined services and support, the BGEMC Lab ensures that customers can market their products quickly, safely and reliably.

The quietest place in Erpe-Mere

To improve the performance of the lab, investments were made to deploy a new EMC room. A fully anechoic room (FAR), lined with material that absorbs electromagnetic radiation up to 6 GHz.

The deployment of this new room ensures:
more testing capacity,
– an optimized certification,
– even better, faster, safer and more reliable support.

What is EMC?

The definition of EMC, or Electro Magnetic Compatibility, is how equipment behaves with respect to its electromagnetic environment. In other words – to what extent does equipment affect other equipment – or to what extent does equipment affect other equipment?

We can divide EMC in 2 working areas:
Emission: the degree to which a device emits electromagnetic radiation.
Immunity: the degree to which a device is resistant to electromagnetic radiation.

What characterizes a completely anechoic room?

A fully anechoic room is equipped with absorbing materials on all surfaces, including the floor. A semi-anechoic room, on the other hand, has a reflective base.

Being able to test radiated emissions and immunity in a fully echoic room saves time and money:

  • Faster development – immediately start a new test after making (minor) changes to the product.
  • Less risk of damage or leaks – potential damage in transit is a thing of the past, as are information leaks from exposure to third parties.
  • More accurate testing – using a test facility built exactly to your needs improves accuracy.

Which devices can be tested in this room?

Description Europe
Audio, video and lighting control for professional use  +
Broadband Data Transmission Systems (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) +
Home Building Electronic Systems and Building Automation
(Industrial environment)
Home Building Electronic Systems and Building Automation
(Residential, Commercial and Light Industrial environment)
Household Appliances, Electric Tools and similar Apparatus +
Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment +
Information Technology Equipment (ITE) +
Lighting equipment +
Multimedia Equipment +
Railway Applications (Fixed Power Supply Installations) +
Railway Applications (Rolling Stock Apparatus) +
Railway Applications (Signalling and Telecommunications Apparatus) +
Road Traffic Signal Systems +
Short-Range Devices (SRD) +


Which devices does this apply to?

Any type of appliance with the exception of appliances that are placed on the floor.
Unit weight up to 80 kg
The size of the device is up to 1.2 meters wide and 75 cm high

The following electricity supplies are available:

  • 230V/50Hz (AC)
  • 0 to 18V (DC) to 10 A
  • 18V to 32V (DC) to 5A